You can’t trust Chinese medias - DongSuo's Blog

You can’t trust Chinese medias

Many Chinese medias don’t worth your trust, even some state-owned medias, in fact especially these state-owned medias, they are just throat and toe of CCP and government, and their employees are brain-washed by the government, if not, they also received pressure from their leader and supervisor, if they say the unhappy truth of China or something different from the party or the government, they may lose their job, even be put into jail. That’s why many rumors are widely spread in Chinese, like Russia’s invasion is a justice operation, America swim athletes use drugs, Bucha massacre is a trap set by Ukraine, American spread the Covid-19 virus during a sports event hold in Wuhan, because all these rumors are supported by state-owned medias, and many Chinese trust these medias, especially those elder people, they think state-owned medias is reliable and authority, they trust them.
But there are medias not owned by state in China, right? Yes, but not. Let me explain this.
There is a department in China government and CCP called Propaganda Department. This department has the power to shut down any media, not only the state-owned traditional medias, but also those new emerged internet medias. And there is also a department called the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, this department has the power to shut down and website/app in China. Let me tell you a story, I used to work in a financial media as a programmer, it’s a website that mainly focus on news of financial market, both China’s and oversea’s. it grew up from a blog of the founder and had roughly hundreds of employees when I worked there, and it was preparing IPO back then. Suddenly one day, we found the main domain name of our service can’t be resolved, our SRE team tried to contact the service provider, found out the supervisor gave the order to shut down our service, and no specific reason why they did this. If you ever pay attention to China tech news, you may remember what happened to DiDi, that’s almost exactly what happened to our company.
So, that’s why those rumors spread widely in China, you can’t speak out different voice at all, if you tried, your website or blog will be shut down, yourself will be warned by police or even be put into jail.
This is what is happening in China, like 1984, even more.
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